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Roseand Mina

I am a mother of 3 (a girl and 2 boys), happily married to my husband and we have been together for 20 years and counting. I’m a daughter to Professionally Busy Business minded Parents and the eldest of 4 daughters.

Professionally, I have a degree in Bachelor in Secondary Education with a major in Physics, a Licensed Teacher in both Philippines and the US. I took a 2 year a degree in IT to have a more knowledge with the use Technology for both professional and personal use. Coming here in the US, I also became a certified preschool teacher. Presently, I am a business owner of a Caregiving Agency named Golden TLC Plus Corp. We have a family business as well in Construction named Shelter Care Plus Construct Corp. Now I am a Licensed Life Insurance Broker. Why an array of Profession? I believe there is always room for Learning and Improvement. I continue to adjust myself accordingly based on my current situation and need. I do not limit myself because there are infinite things to learn and sharing this knowledge that I have gained thru all this Profession gives me so much joy by teaching and coaching others.

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